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Showing posts from December, 2021

Session 50: John 4 and 5

 Key Points: In Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman, He did not water down his message-(v. 22 “Salvation Is from the Jews.” ) He didn’t say that the polytheistic beliefs of the Samaritans were good or equally valid.  He practiced “charity with clarity.” As we find opportunities to have religious discussions with others, we seek common ground, but we never compromise our proclamation of the Fullness of Truth that was entrusted to the  only Church founded by Christ; the  Catholic Church. (We pray for the time, the place, the person, the method, and the words to say to share His Truth.) The Royal Official showed that he “believed” in Jesus through his ACTION.  (He walked 40 miles round-trip to find Jesus.) 5:22 Jesus WILL ultimately judge our eternal destiny. (Don’t take 3:17 out of context....we as Catholics read scripture as a whole, and through the eyes of the Church. We don’t take one verse and build our whole theology on it.) 5:29 Once again, our act...

Session 49: John 4:1-42

  Key Points Jesus broke down social and racial barriers by simply speaking with someone different than himself.  (Who should you be speaking to?) The things of this world don’t last; only our relationship with Christ can be eternal. After she realized who Jesus was, she invited others to “come see!”  Though she didn’t know theology, she shared HER EXPERIENCE with Jesus.  People can argue with your theology, but  no one can argue with YOUR EXPERIENCE with Jesus. ( Who will you invite to “Come see” Jesus?) SHE didn’t convert people, but she planted the seeds.  We’re responsible for that; the Spirit is ultimately responsible for the conversion.

Session 48: John 3

Key Points: 3:14 John’s high Christology- Jesus will be “lifted up” vs “crucified”....Jesus is always in control, even when it seems that he is not. John 3:16 “Believes” , once again, means much more than intellectual assent.  (Compare this verse with (3:38.... “Belief “ involves OBEDIENCE.) 3:17 Jesus came the first time not to judge (an individual’s eternal state) ,but to proclaim the kingdom.  But, make no mistake, he will ultimately preside over our judgment, and there WILL be judgment!  (Again, see 3:38 !)

Session 47 John 2:6-3:5

Key Points: Jesus’ turning water into wine is the first of 7 “signs the gospel writer uses to show Jesus’ divinity.  (Jesus has he power to create.)  He can create a new person in us, too, if we walk with him. Jesus calling his mother “Woman” was not disrespectful: Words and customs change meaning over time, (a term of respect(?) Jesus (sinless)honored his mother and father , lived the Commandment. In Garden of Eden, God said he would put emnity between Satan and the Woman.  (Mary is the new Eve; her “Yes” to God contradicted Eve’s “No.” In Revelation 12 we see the “Woman” (not named, but Mary) with a crown of 2 stars. The temple (“sanctuary”) building will be destroyed, but Jesus is the NEW temple....HE is there as  our Sanctuary. “Born again” means a changed life once we walk with Christ.  The seeds are sown at our Baptism.  If we know we are to be Baptised and don’t do it, we are disobedient.  Baptism imparts grace which gives us strength! ( There...

Session 46: John 1:19-2:5 Why we venerate Mary

Key Points: 1:21 (Asked of John the Baptist:) “Are you Elijah?”  (Per Malachi 3:23, Elijah was to reappear before the coming of the Lord.) 1:23 John the Baptist is like Isaiah (Quotes from Isaiah 40:3) 1:29 “Lamb of God” (At Passover, an unblemished LAMB is sacrificed in an ATTEMPT to pay the price for the people’s sins. John the Baptist’s is the first of 7 testimonies as to who Jesus is. 2:1-5 We venerate Mary because: She calls us to follow Christ She intercedes for us She shows us (Lk 1:38) by example HOW to follow God. She inaugurates Jesus’ ministry at Cana She has led countless millions to Christ She was at the key moments of Jesus’ministry and the beginning of His Church. She is ALL of our mothers!  (So, if you feel “motherless” sometimes, remember that Mary is YOUR mother, too!)

Session 45: John 1 v 6-18 Belief defined & Word Became Flesh controversy

  Key Points: What does it mean to “believe” to the Catholic Church? Why do the heresies spawned by the phrase “Word became flesh” point to the need for the Catholic Church?” “Belief” is much more than an intellectual assent.  It is giving one’s self over in trust and action.  (“Wheelbarrow” story.) Three heresies were spawned by three consecutive words in John 1:14.  We needed the Church (the only Church Christ started, gave the power to “bind and loose” to,  gave the Holy Spirit to guide it into all truth) to eliminate the confusion as to who Christ is....and the confusion that still exists today.   (See 2Peter1:20 regarding personal interpretation of Scripture.  We must read Scripture through the eyes of the Church.)

Session 44: Introduction to John and John 1:1-3

  Key Points: John was youngest disciple, "the one that Jesus Loved" (20:26); Took care of Mary (20:27); Imprisoned on Patmos; Author of John, Revelation, 1,2,3 John John Emphasizes Jesus' Divinity.  7 Signs of His Divinity (Water to wine, 2:1-11; Cure of Official's son 4:46-54 by His word; Paralytic cure at pool (Ch 5); Multiplication of Loaves and walking on water (Ch 6) Mirror Manna & crossing of red sea in OT; Cure of man born blind (ch 9); Raising of Lazarus (Ch 11) 7 Testimonies (John the Baptist, Samaritan woman, scripture, His works, The crowds, Holy Spirit, Disciples (testify 33x) Jesus is the Word, the Light, the Lamb. He is NOT portrayed as the "suffering servant" but as the Hero, Always in Control ("Lifted Up" vs "Crucified") (Glory 15x) Eternal Genealogy (1:1-2) ("Consubstantial" in the creed) "Light" vs Darkness ("Light" 11x) "Believe" 98x, "World" 78x, "Truth" ...

Session 43: Unique-to Luke Chapters 19:11-24

  Key Points: 21:1-4 (The Widow’s Offering) We should give out of our first earnings,(The IRS isn’t stupid!), not just out of our abundance.  (That includes teaching your kids to give out of their allowance.) 22:35-38  The swords Jesus told the apostles to get were a metaphor:  we are to “arm” ourselves for “battle.”  (Knowing our faith, prayer, sacraments, etc.) 23:32-43 The one on the cross who “went to confession” was granted forgiveness and did his Purgatory on THIS earth.  (On a cross!)God’s mercy is always available to us if we seek it, even at the end of our life. 24:13-35 (on the walk to Emmaus)  The men didn’t recognize Jesus until Jesus “took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them” (v30).  We must recognize Jesus in the Eucharist!! 24:36-50 The  Apostles didn’t understand Him until they had an encounter with the RESURRECTED Christ, which emboldened them. We encounter the resurrected Christ, just as the 2 followers on t...

Session 42: Unique-to-Luke, Luke 16:1-9, 17:7-19, 19:1-10

Key Points: 16:1-9 The Master did not commend the steward for being dishonest; he FIRED him for that.  He commended the steward for forgoing his short-term commission (which may have been a normal charge) in exchange for long-term security through better relations with the master’s clients.  Moral:  We must put our own long-term (eternal!!) interests above our short-term earthly interests. We must put money in it’s proper perspective relative to eternal life. 17:7-10  We cannot pay back Christ for the gift He has given us:  we are servants with a job to do.  We owe Him, not the other way around! 19:1-10 (Zacchaeus)  Emphasis:  Treatment of the poor, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness. (What is your plan to help the needy? We are not saved by faith alone, at least not in the way Luther meant it! Faith means a relationship, which necessitates service.)

Session 41: Luke 13-16 - Joy and treatment of the poor

  Key Points: Luke 13:6-9  God has patience with us, but we must ultimately “bear fruit” by developing a relationship with God, and all that goes with that, including taking care of those who need help. Luke 14:13, Luke 16:19-31  Take care of the poor, the outcasts!!    Luke 14:33 We must get rid of whatever is standing in our way to a walk with Jesus. Luke 15:8-10 Does your relationship with Christ, the idea of eternal life with Him, give you joy??  (Nothing  could/should possibly give you more joy!)

Session 40: Unique-to-Luke Chapters 6:20-10:42

  Key Points: Forgiveness mentioned 6x in 9verses Lk. 7:42-50.  YOU can be forgiven by God.  Who do YOU need to forgive? Lk. 9:51-56 and Lk10:25-37 (Good Samaritan) -Mercy towards enemies. Lk10:38-42(Martha and Mary) Don’t let life’s busyness keep you from a closer encounter with the Lord!

Session 39: Unique-to-Luke Chapters 2:41-6:20

  Key Points: 2:41-52  It’s important to be obedient to your parents, but God comes first!! 4:16-30 Jesus’ message of salvation is for all who will follow, even those that we don’t like!

Session 38: Luke 2: 1-38 - Timing controversies, the dignity of the poor, and the universality of the Gospel.

  Key Points: Ch.2 v. 1- Skeptics would say Caesar Augustus never ordered an empire-wide census. (Censuses were typically recorded for purposes of taxation.)  This census may have been to, instead, register that subjects swore allegiance to the emperor. v.2 Skeptics would say Quirinius was not the governor of Syria until years after Christ was thought to be born.  Answer: perhaps he was like a “lieutenant governor” at the time, so he was involved in “governing”, perhaps in charge of a smaller area. “First-born” was a legal term, and did not mean that there was necessarily a “second-born.”  (Regarding Mary’s perpetual virginity.) The value of the poor in Luke’s birth-of-Jesus account: Shepherds- the lowest of the low. Manger (feeding trough for animals.) Mary’s sacrifice at temple of 2 birds was that required of the poor, per Lev. 12:8. Simeon proclaims Jesus will be “revelation to the GENTILES”, another of Luke’s themes.

Session 37: Luke 1:36-56 - How the Old Testament Ark of the Covenant foreshadows Mary in the New Testament

  Key Points: Ark contained Manna(bread), 10 Commandments (Word of God), and Aaron’s Staff (authority of God). Mary’s womb contained Jesus, (the “Bread of Life”, The Word of God, and the authority of God. Lk1:35 “overshadow” Mary, Exodus 40:35 God’s cloud overshadowed ark. Lk1:41 John “leapt” in Elizabeth’s womb. 2Sam6:14-16 David “leapt” with joy upon recovering Ark. Lk1:43 Elizabeth “Why is this granted to me?”  2Sam6:9 David asks same thing about privilege of recovering Ark. Lk 1:56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for “3 months.”  2Sam6:11 Ark stayed with a keeper for 3 months. Mary not to be touched sexually. (Perpetual Virginity).  Ark not to be touched, or death!!  2Sam6:7 Ark and Mary together!!! (End of Revelation 11, beginning of Chapter 13.

Session 36: Intro to Luke and Luke 1:1-36

  Key Points: Luke was a Gentile, his emphasis was that Jesus came for ALL regardless of ethnicity or status.  Women tended to be the heroes.  Emphasis on the value of the poor and treatment of them. Emphasis of the Holy Spirit. The gospel of JOY! Emphasis on forgiveness. Emphasis on prayer. Luke not an eyewitness to Christ’s ministry but a travelling companion of Paul. Also wrote Acts of the Apostles. 50+% of “Mark” (source document for Luke) material is in “Luke.” Chapter 1 - Only gospel that talks about John the Baptist’s conception and birth. Elizabeth - a hero. V26 - Mary a hero. V35 - “Power of Most High will OVERSHADOW” Mary. (Important for Ark of Covenant analogy to come.)

Session 35 - Gospel of Mark Highlights

  Key Points: Mark travelled with Paul and was a disciple of Peter.  Not one of The 12, but a young follower.  His mother is thought to be the owner of the Upper Room where the Last Supper was held and also the first Novena at Pentecost. Mark’s gospel thought to be: A)First Gospel written (60-70AD?) B)“Peter’s Gospel” C)Source document for Matthew’s and Luke’s gospels.  (80-90% of Mark is in Matthew, 50% of Mark is in Luke. All but 31 verses are part of “Matthew”or “Luke.” ) Mark’s is shortest of Gospels: No Genealogy of Jesus, very short Resurrection account. Emphasizes Jesus’ ACTIONS instead of his WORDS. (Unlike Matthew’s.) Written to gentile CHRISTIANS, probably in Rome.  (As opposed to Matthew, which was written originally for primarily JEWISH converts.) “Messianic Secret” Jesus is also the Suffering Servant The disciples don’t understand Jesus during his earthly ministry.  They’re downright stupid, including Peter! (Again, Peter is relaying in...

Session 34: Matthew 27:47-66 and Mt 28

  Key Points: Why believe in the Resurrection? See 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.  Over 500 people witnessed the Resurrected Christ. So, our faith is not blind faith. Christ’s resurrection gives us hope in our own resurrection and eternal life with Him. Mt 28:19 The Apostles were not instructed to write a book, but to make disciples.  Jesus said that he would be with them (His One Church!!) until the end of the age. In spite of the errors and grievous sins of the leaders of his One Church, his Church is prevented from TEACHING error on matters of faith and morals. How are you doing in your disciple-making efforts?  Pray for God’s grace to recognize those that you can share the Gospel with, the method and time to approach them, and the Holy Spirit to open their hearts.

Session 33: Matthew 26:69-75 to 27:1-46

  Key Points: Peter sinned grievously, despaired,  but was forgiven, and went on to share the gospel with others:  We, too, are sinners, we can similarly be forgiven, and we must share the gospel with others. Judas only despaired;  gave up on God by killing himself.  Never give up on God!! Don’t “wash your hands” of moral issues by taking the easy way out, as Pilate did. Jesus was not despairing on the cross, (“...why have you forsaken me?) but was reciting hopeful Scripture (Psalm 22) during his suffering.  A great place for us to turn!!

Session 32: Matthew 26:31-68 - Peter’s Denial Foretold, Jesus’ Agony, Judas’ Betrayal, Jesus’ Arrest and Night Trial

  Key Points: We ALL deny Jesus, just as Peter did, every time we sin.  Yet, we too can seek and be given forgiveness. We ALL have our own “Gethsemane Moments” in this life....we can choose to become BITTER or BETTER (our relationship to God) through them. Jesus was no mere rabbi. (Teacher) Only three possibilities:  He was the biggest liar ever, He was the craziest man ever, or He was the only begotten Son of God.

Session 31: Matthew 26:26-29 - The Last Supper: The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

 Key Points:  Some connections between the Jewish Passover Meal and our Communion: Both a Memorial, not just a re-presentation. (We are actually AT the event.) 3 Matsahs vs. 3 members of Trinity Middle matsah broken, (Christ killed) Middle Matsah hidden, (Christ buried) Child who finds matsah gets reward, (Those who find Christ get reward of eternal life.) Sacrificial Lamb must be killed at 3PM - Jesus killed at 3PM (Mk 15:34) Sacrifice of Unbroken lamb must be eaten—Jesus is The Lamb of God, no bones broken (Jn 19:32) 4 Cups of Wine at Passover: 1) “sanctification” (Lk22:17) 2)”plagues” -“deliverance” (not mentioned  in Gospels) 3) “redemption” (Mt. 26:27-28) 4) “completion”, “restoration” (Mt. 26:29- Jesus will drink it with us when we are RESTORED to Him in Heaven. —————————————————— “This IS my body”