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About this Podcast

(Note: This blog is a supplement to the "Catholic Doctrine Bible Study" Podcast. The podcase is available for both iOS and Android)

All Christians should want a closer relationship with God.  Toward that end, all Christians should read the Bible!  But there are so many conflicting interpretations that Bible study can be confusing if not disheartening.  Which church, if any, has the God-given authority to interpret the Bible?

(Listen to Session 1, if no other,  to see why there can only be one answer to that question.)

In this study, you will see the doctrines of the Catholic Church come alive as we go through each book of the entire Bible from a uniquely Catholic perspective.

As we come across passages where there are differences in interpretation between the Catholic Church and other groups,  we will point them out, and show why the Catholic Church, the one Church founded by Christ, is the one you can rely on for the Fullness of Truth.

The sessions are filled with references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Early Church Fathers, Majisterial documents, and also personal anecdotes used as practical examples of how to practice your faith through Catholic teaching.

There are 242 audio sessions, each about 20 minutes in length, so you can easily go through the whole Bible in a year or less by listening to 5 sessions a week.

You can listen in your car, but I strongly encourage you to listen while you have your Bible in front of you.  Use a crayon to highlight important passages, and write notes in the margins. 

Bible-study should become a lifetime habit.  Each time you re-read your noted, highlighted Bible, you will reflect on your notes, and hopefully add to them from your own life experiences with God.  Not only will this enhance your understanding and relationship with God, but your Bible with your notes will be a legacy to your family.

I also encourage you to share Catholic Doctrine Bible Study with others: family members, friends, people who have left the Church, people who never were Catholic but have issues with it, skeptics, and non-believers! 

You can always contact me with any questions, comments, concerns, criticisms, or requests via email or phone, at the email site or phone number listed. 

My passion is to see people develop their relationship with Jesus Christ through His One Church, so let me know how I may help.

Jim Hawk


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