Key Points:
Marriage is a COVENANT, not merely a CONTRACT. Each partner’s goal should be to make sure the other goes to heaven. Daily prayer TOGETHER greatly increases the odds of a lasting, successful marriage. For marriage in general, read CCC paragraphs 2360-2381. Divorce: paragraphs 2382-2385 Annulment: paragraph 1629 The rich young ruler’s wealth was an impediment to a closer walk with Jesus. What’s your impediment? Pray about your priorities and what to do about them. You can’t earn your way to heaven! (Pelagianism heresy) It is a free gift from God, but we must cooperate. Eternal life beats any life we could imagine on this earth!
(Note: This blog is a supplement to the "Catholic Doctrine Bible Study" Podcast. The podcase is available for both iOS and Android) All Christians should want a closer relationship with God. Toward that end, all Christians should read the Bible! But there are so many conflicting interpretations that Bible study can be confusing if not disheartening. Which church, if any, has the God-given authority to interpret the Bible? (Listen to Session 1, if no other, to see why there can only be one answer to that question.) In this study, you will see the doctrines of the Catholic Church come alive as we go through each book of the entire Bible from a uniquely Catholic perspective. As we come across passages where there are differences in interpretation between the Catholic Church and other groups, we will point them out, and show why the Catholic Church, the one Church founded by Christ, is the one you can rely on for the Fullness of Truth. The sessions are filled w...
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