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Session 13 - Matthew 7 - Judging


Key Points
“Judge not, lest ye be judged!”  means we are not to judge a person’s eternal destiny.  We also don’t necessarily know what’s going on in that person’s life that may lessen their culpability.  BUT, we ABSOLUTELY must judge whether an act is moral or not.  There are moral absolutes!  We must be introspective about our own lives through frequent examination of conscience, asking friends, etc. “Do not throw your pearls before swine.”  While we are to witness to all, there’s a time, a place, and a way to share the Gospel.  It is best sometimes to avoid a confrontation, pray for that person, pray for a better set of circumstances in which to share, and pray for other people to witness that the subject might listen to.  “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still!” Jesus is not preaching a “prosperity Gospel.”  God WILL give us what we ask for, for the good of our relationship with him, for our eternal salvation, and the good of HIS kingdom, but this world can be tough! Our deeds, our fruits, are an essential part of our relationship with God. (See verse 21.)  We are not “saved by faith alone” in the sense that many understand the phrase.  What are YOU doing for God’s Kingdom? What foundation are YOU building your life on?  (There’s only one that won’t crumble!)


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