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Session 27: Matthew 22

 Key Points:

Though our invitation to eternal life is a free gift, and we are provided with the “garment” of grace to do good works, we must still prepare ourselves for heaven by cooperating with God’s grace, and doing what God wants. Loving God, and loving your neighbor as yourself sums up the 10 Commandments.  (If you love God and everyone, you won’t want to lie, cheat, steal, covet, murder, etc.  That’s why Augustine said “Love, and then do as you will.”) We’re not just a social service agency:  We have a duty to love God.  We’re not just an adoration group: hence the teaching about loving our neighbor. The two “loves” go together:  You can’t love God properly WITHOUT loving your neighbor (everybody), since we are all a family and are all brothers and sisters.


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